Silver Linings
Silver Linings Podcast
Silver Linings: The Podcast

Silver Linings: The Podcast

T'was the List Before Christmas - Voices Newspaper Dec. 1987

Here’s the poem if you’d like to read along.

T’was the list before Christmas and all through the house
Not a chore had been finished, by me or by spouse
The list was all written on a legal pad with care
In the hopes that the tasks would be something we’d share.

The china was nestled all snug in its box
And I would unpack it had I the key to its locks
And me in my apron, a scarf and a mop
Had just started to clean, oh when can I stop?

Out in the backyard there was such a clutter
Forgotten lawn chairs, my husband’s old putter
I stared at the windows, their grime was apparent
I’ve often wondered: is dirt inherent?

The spoon on the crust of the mat in the sink
Gave a little sparkle and caused me to think
Wouldn’t it be nice if there were to appear
Tiny little elves atop tiny reindeer?
With buckets and sponges could clean up so fast
And in just a moment I’d be done with my task.

More rapid then eagles the guests they will come
I keep checking my list, would I be done?
Go shopping! Bake cookies! Make ready the bedrooms!
Mail Christmas cards! Roast turkeys! Polish the heirlooms!
From the top of the attic to the last bedroom wall
Sweep away, vacuum away, dust away all.

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly
Went all the old cobwebs, (those I could spy)
And up to the housetop my husband went bumbling
To string cheery lights with more than enough grumbling

And then in a twinkling I heard him snort
“Turn off the fuse box! We have a short!”
We brought in the tree and turned it around
We’d not noticed before — bare spots abound.

We had the kids dress in their finest gear
To send photos to relatives — far and near.
A bundle of playthings they had on their list
I think we got it all — were there any we missed?

My eyes — how they drooped, my back — how weary
My hair was a mess — what a sight! How cheery!
All I wanted to do was soak in a hot tub.
Would Santa get me a needed back rub?

We checked off our chores, slowly but surely.
The end was in sight, could we be any more surly?
The line at the Post Office was like the Great Wall.
I got up to the front — what? No Christmas stamps at all?
The crowds at the mall were harder to bear,
The fastest thing going was breathable air.

But the list got checked off, the chores finally done.
The gifts were all wrapped, the stockings were hung.
The family arrived, early in fact.
But we smiled and we chatted as we helped them unpack.

And Christmas did come — as it does every year.
No list held it back — it flies in by reindeer.
And the only thought in my head as the Yule log burned bright,
Was Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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A different kind of list . . .

The original - A Visit from St. Nicholas

Thanks for listening (and sorry for a couple of flubs in this week’s episode…I really need a new sound engineer!) I appreciate all you do to keep me going.

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Silver Linings
Silver Linings Podcast
The audio version of some of my better performing essays.