Mar 8Liked by Cindy Eastman

Thank you for your lovely words (insert heart emoji here). In general, teachers don't take care of themselves and I plead guilty on this score. Last month I got a long overdue mammogram and I am cancer-free. I have a good life but I wish I could switch places with Annie. She has a good life too.

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Just got my yearly mammogram a week ago and all good. I've been called back in 3 times over the years now due to dense breast tissue and "suspicious" areas, and all have turned out to be more dense breast tissue or a harmless cyst. I will NOT miss getting this done and I always celebrate a good result big time. I have friends who have gone through the breast cancer thing and I can't even imagine not getting a mammogram every year. Actually my doctor calls them in after the yearly GYN appointment so it's hard to avoid even if you wanted to with her! So grateful for all the technology that helps so much. Still thinking of you and your Annie a lot.

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