Feb 16Liked by Cindy Eastman

“Check your motives” is a good one. At Rule of Three, our Rule No. 2 is, “Don’t be a douchebag,” but yours is good too.

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Feb 8Liked by Cindy Eastman

No you are not insane. That was really interesting to read. Loved it!

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Feb 8Liked by Cindy Eastman

What a stimulating and provocative musing… It sure does get tricky! If you factor in that we’re all working with a false belief we have a valid blueprint that we’re all supposed to follow it gets even trickier. My motives may be the best but I’m not reading the same blueprint others are. I find it easier when I can accept that we’re co-creating our experiences and what actually happens is the only true blueprint. Not mine alone. Or anyone else’s either.

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Tricky one. The road to hell is paved with good intentions - it's a cliche because it's true...

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Check your motives... wow. Your Nana knew some stuff about human nature. If only more people were as self aware. I have been on a similar quest for self mastery. I try to discern if my words/ actions are coming from a place of fear or a place of love. Problem is, as you said, you're the one making this call! And sometimes it's not entirely clear. Cheers to those who are actually trying to figure this out.

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